Day to Day (#56) - Paul & Barnabas in Paphos

Day to Day (#56) - Paul & Barnabas in Paphos


+ Paul and Barnabas proclaimed the word of God in Salamis in the Jewish synagogues, then traveled to the capital of Cyprus, Paphos. There, was the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, who wished to hear the word of God but Elymas, the sorcerer, opposed them. Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, rebuked and struck him with blindness. This is why Sergius believed.

+ Satan opposes God's work in every possible way but God is working in an amazing way and gives unnatural power to His children.

+ How many times did Satan oppose you and, despite this, you were spiritually refreshed and were given super power?

+ Churches, and God's work facing resistance, are refreshed and spread quickly. Why?

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