Day to Day (#1) - Introduction on the Apostle Paul's Life

Day to Day (#1) - Introduction on the Apostle Paul's Life


In our Day To Day series study, this theme was captured from Psalm 19 : 1 – 2 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day to day they pour forth speech…".


We will learn something new every day. We chose the life of the apostle Paul to be our main topic of study. This amazing man who had a great impact on history until now.


This study will include many exciting topics. We will
1.Take a trip to some geographic sites
2.Take a trip to some historic events
3.Study biblical characters
4.Study moral values & lessons from God's word
5.Study some events that happened in the apostle Paul's days and how was his ministry. How did he deliver Christ's message from Jerusalem to the end of the earth, as the Bible says.

+ How can a persecutor of the Church and of Christ's followers change to be persecuted for the sake of Christ and the Gospel proclaiming him?

+ Do you believe that God, who changed Saul, can change you and set you free?


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