Day to Day (#64) - Summary of the First Missionary Journey

Day to Day (#64) - Summary of the First Missionary Journey


+ Paul and Barnabas set off from Antioch in Syria, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, and went to Cyprus then to Asia Minor. They proclaimed God's word and Christ to the Jews in the synagogues and to the Gentiles also.

+ Despite the violent persecution they faced, they made disciples of many and planted several churches. They went back again to Antioch in Syria taking the same route.

+ Some imagine that the relationship with God has many benefits. They wonder what God will offer them.

+ Other people think that they are indebted to Christ as He died on the cross to expiate our sins and thus He owns their lives.

+ Do you feel that you are indebted to God and want to live for Him and not for yourself? What prevents you?

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