May 2021 - I Declare... I am a follower of Jesus!


May 2021 - I Declare... I am a follower of Jesus!

Greetings to you in the wonderful Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


I trust you had a good Mother’s Day celebration and pray that at this time when many families cannot see each other due to the pandemic, that the Lord will give comfort to every lonely person. We pray for families to be reunited and for communities to once again have closeness. God made us to be social beings and we need each other. I pray also for the mental anguish that many are going through at this time. May more and more people turn to the Lord, have healing and have close fellowship with Him. Let us not forget the kindness and love of our God: " 'For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,' says the Lord, who has mercy on you." (Isaiah 54:10).


You may recall in last month’s newsletter I told you about a Moroccan believer from Muslim Background (MBB) living in France and how we have been praying for him and his wife. Sadly, his wife, who had spoken to one of our counsellors has, due to pressure from her religious Muslim family, turned against him and told her family that he became a Christian which led to him being harshly beaten by them several times, and she is leading the persecution against him. They found his Bible and torn it up. She has even threatened to kill him. It is hard for us to imagine such evil and brutality. May God help him, give him strength and protection, for he said, "I will never return to Islam, even if I have to be killed."


Another MBB from Sudan, named Muhammad, who once was a terrorist and in an influential position, told us over the phone, “I declare before the whole world that I am follower of Jesus!” He is very brave and has decided to openly and publicly declare his faith. We pray for him to be protected and may other’s follow him in accepting Jesus.


Lately, we have seen many people in high political and religious positions coming to Christ. Recently we heard from a high ranking person in North Africa who has received the Lord, but he is in a sensitive position and needs God’s wisdom. We know the Holy Spirit is at work and trust God to use him to bring others to faith.


There has been an organized attack against our ministry on social media, such as on Facebook. Satan doesn’t want our message reaching the masses, but we are overcoming! We have good tech people who are helping us, so our message of salvation keeps on and the numbers we are reaching is growing steadily! People are hungry spiritually. People are looking for answers. We have the answer! Thank you my friend for supporting Light For All Nations! You are sowing into this ministry and will share in the reward! “And he who reaps received wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together” (John 4:36).


May the Lord bless you and keep you well, safe, and give you His peace and joy and may you enjoy your time with your loved ones.


Truly yours, and in His service,

Nizar Shaheen



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