June 2022 - Glorious Impact!
Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! One of the most amazing things is to see the great results of the ministry. When I travel to various places and meet many people, I am always so thrilled to hear testimonies of how Light For All Nations has impacted lives.
God has opened the doors recently for me to travel again and to speak in several conferences. It is really nice to have sense of normality again. I spoke in a conference in France for MBB’s (Muslim Background Believers). When I arrived I was met by a brother who was one of the ministers who originally came from Algeria. He asked me, “Do you remember me?” I replied, “Remind me.” He said, “I accepted the Lord under your preaching in Southern France in 2008 along with my wife. Then my children and parents accepted the Lord, and my brother also who used to be the Imam [Muslim Cleric] of a mosque in Algeria.” He testified that he has led his cousin and many others to the Lord! He endured persecution but he stood firm and is a great soul-winner! I was so thrilled! How wonderful to see the effects of the ministry!
Also at the conference in France I met a Libyan woman who told me she became a believer and used to call our prayer and counselling line many times while hiding in a cupboard as her family was very cruel and abusive to her, even torturing her and she has many marks on her body that attest to it. By a miracle of God she escaped to France where she grew in faith. She approached me with the biggest smile on her face and thanked me for the ministry and the encouragement we have been to her, and she told me she is serving the Lord in ministry now.
There were several at this conference who accepted the Lord and who were encouraged in their faith. Many were church leaders that I encouraged to keep ministering among their own people, even though it is the hardest field. It was a glorious time indeed!
My most recent trip was to Israel to complete some production in the Galilee called “Jesus in Capernaum” and to speak at a Church Leaders Conference near Bethlehem. I was thrilled to see many leaders and their spouses that I have been privileged to play a great role in their lives and some of them are my children by faith. One minister had been unjustly imprisoned, but he told me that God used him inside to share his faith and to introduce many prisoners to our program and now they are watching.
There are many challenges for ministers in the Middle East and God has called me to help them and be an encouragement to them. I have observed that at this time, more than ever before, there is a state of coldness and the first love has been lost, with a lack of passion and enthusiasm. Several pastors are leaving the ministry because of anxiety and pressure. Let us pray for God’s workers in the field that they may be endued with the Holy Spirit’s power and comfort.
May I also ask you to pray for me and for the Light For All Nations Ministry? To update you, the new office / studio on the Hamilton mountain is coming along slowly but surely, and we are in the last stages of readiness and will be fully functional soon. Praise the Lord!
On behalf of the thousands of souls who have been impacted by Light For All Nations, I want to say a big thank you to you! You are vital to the ministry and I thank the Lord for you! Your continued support is greatly appreciated.
With all glory to the Lord and in Christ’s love,
Nizar Shaheen