September 2022 - Newness and Growth!
Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We have some exciting news! Light For All Nations has started production in our new Studio! This past week we taped several programs and on Wednesday, September 1/11 was our first live-to-air program, once again resuming after a several months pause due to moving. It is exciting to again be in full swing! My wife Ellen took several pictures to mark this big event and I will post some below.
Everything went smoothly, both on the technical side and with the wonderful content of the program. We had live call-ins and it is so great to be interactive and to see in real time the many who are watching, responding and accepting the Lord as their Savior! I thank God for the great team I have working with me. We are enjoying our beautiful new studio and new office facility. The programs have been excellent and God is blessing us and we thank Him for His provision and guidance.
Over the past several months, however, the ministry has definitely not been on pause, as we have done much taping for television in Egypt and in Israel, and making videos for Social Media. Much great programming has been accomplished - all to spread the wonderful Gospel message!
We have dedicated the new facility in Hamilton, Ontario, to the Lord and are trusting that God will use this place for His glory! My vision is that the new studio will be used to bless other ministries that will use it for production, not only in Arabic, but in other languages as well, such as Turkish and in the Urdo language to reach Pakistan and India, and Farsi to reach Iran. I would also like to see our new studio used for programming geared toward the younger generations - all so we can maximize the impact for the Lord and maximize your giving dollars for the Kingdom!
Another announcement of newness is that of our new granddaughter, Laura Ellen Fuller, born to our daughter Hannah and son-in-law, Dan, on August 24, 2022.
Please keep the ministry of Light For all Nations in your prayers and giving. Now the time is ripe for working in the harvest field and the harvest is plenty!
May the Lord bless you!
Your brother,
Nizar Shaheen
P.S. Please mark your calendars for these important dates: For Ontario, our fund-raising banquet will be on Saturday, November 26, 2022 in Mississauga. For Alberta, the banquet will be on Saturday, November 19, 2022 in Edmonton. Details will follow.