August 2023 - Testimonies!


August 2023 - Testimonies!

Greetings to you in the wonderful Name of Jesus Christ! Firstly, I want to thank everyone who responded to the ministries summer financial need that I wrote about in last month’s newsletter. God provided in an amazing way! I am so thankful to God for all who support and pray for us!


One of the greatest joys is when you see precious souls coming to Christ and when you learn of the way in which they came to faith. Indeed, the Lord is drawing many people unto Himself. Everyday we experience volumes of people who give their lives to Jesus! Many are searching for truth, and praise the Lord, our skilled counsellors lead them to Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Here are a few testimonies that will thrill your heart as much as they do mine. For truly I am filled with great joy and want to share with you a small portion of the great harvest.


One of the most beautiful experiences is when you meet people who got saved or healed. This happened recently in a conference where I was speaking. I saw a guy among the many people and the Spirit drew me to him and I approached him and gave him a big hug. He was amazed and asked: “How did you know me?” I told him: “I just feel like I know you well.” He was very moved and proceeded to tell me his story of how he came to faith. He is originally from Yemen and he used to call me on the live show to argue with me about the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Finally, he became convinced of the truth and became a believer and a follower of Christ. He went through much persecution and was imprisoned in his country and in Saudi Arabia. He is so thankful to God that all his family has become saved too! He is now leading a group of MBB’s (Muslim Background Believers) and he invited me to come to speak to his group.


More testimonies:

   - A lady from Algeria living now in Canada was drawn to tears when she saw me in person. She said in one of my programs I taught about the Samaritan woman and she said, “I felt that is what I needed – ‘the living water’.” One of our seasoned counsellors lead her to the Lord and she now calls him “baba” meaning daddy.
   - Another person said, “I love Christianity because it has peace and love for I hate violence and persecution of Christians.”
   - Someone saw Jesus in a dream calling his name and saying, “before you were born, I knew you.”
   - A person from Morocco said that Jesus visited him in the night and solved his unsolvable problem
   - A blind person from Morocco said, “I was a Muslim but became an atheist then I met Jesus and was saved and now I am free!”
   - Yet another Moroccan man said, “I was constantly feeling guilty so I began to search and finally I discovered the Christian faith is the true way and now I endorse Christianity.”
   - Another said: “I testify Christ is God and He is the only way to salvation!”
   - “I was a Muslim and read the sermon of the mount and immediately I became a Christian!”
   - We have many other testimonies from people from Morocco, Egypt, Algeria, Syria, South Sudan, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, and Nigeria.


What a wonderful time to live and to share the Gospel!


Thank you dear friend for your support of Light For All Nations for your help make this all possible! It is harvest time! Let us all pray the prayer request of Jesus Christ: “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (Luke 10:2).


In Christ’s love and service,


Nizar Shaheen



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