September 2023 - So Many Blessings!
Grace and peace to you in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. When people ask me how the ministry is going, my answer is that we are truly living in a golden era of harvesting precious souls and the Lord is blessing! Every day people are getting saved and being added to the Church. Many of these people face rejection, persecution and many challenges – physically, socially and financially.
We share the love of Christ. We deal with some comparative religious topics and apologetics covering subjects that especially help Muslim people understand Christianity. This month the subject is “Where did Jesus say, ‘I am God’?” We rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to speak to hearts and open blinded eyes. On our programs and chat forums, we have many MBB’s (Muslim Background Believers), who call in live or send messages, to help explain their faith in Jesus to other Muslims who are searching and to refute their accusations because they have the experience, knowledge and credibility.
It is so thrilling every time I see people who not only accept Jesus, but also live to serve Him well! Every year, more and more, I commit myself to evangelize more effectively so I see people literally transformed and translated from darkness to light and from death to life! This past month we had many, many people accept the Lord. I followed up with a believer who is my daughter in faith and who is a famous person and the daughter of a renown political leader in one of the Arab countries.
Please keep Light For All Nations in your prayers and in your regular giving to God’s work.
God bless you!
In Christ’s love and service,
Nizar Shaheen