March 2024 - Amazing Salvations!


March 2024 - Amazing Salvations!

Grace and peace to you in the wonderful and saving Name of Jesus Christ!


Around the world there are millions of Muslims who are believers in Jesus but because of fear and because the Islamic world is against conversion - it is illegal for a Muslim to change their religion from Islam - many hide their faith. We need to pray that these governments will allow conversion without penalty, imprisonment or even death. These people need freedom.


At Light For All Naitons we are experiencing a great harvest! Our team has been very busy explaining the Gospel to many people who contact us with questions. Every month many Muslims come to Christ and we hear their amazing testimonies! This month we have had reports of Muslims coming to the Lord mainly from Egypt, Algeria and Morocco, as well as from other countries - people who are Muslim, Druze, Yasidis and Sabians (or Mandaeans - followers of John the Baptist), and of course we have many nominal Christians coming to real faith as well. It is such a joy when I read all the reports!


A man from Yemen told us how he saw the dig difference between Islam and Christianity and he concluded that Christianity calls for love, peace and forgiveness, not wars as is called for in the Middle East in the name of their religion. He experienced the love of Christ demonstrated on the Cross. We continue to follow up with him regularly.


Another person came out of 10 years in prison. He prayed and accepted Jesus, and he follows our programs. Another Muslim from Egypt was convinced about the incarnation and believes that Jesus is God.


There are many more testimonies that our follow-up department print out for me to read and prayer requests that I pray about.


On the weekly live show recently a lady called babbling with joy, sharing her experience of how she became a believer. She was previously a follower of John the Baptist but now she is boldly witnessing without fear among her people in the streets. It is amazing that still today we have followers of John the Baptist, but even today, as in Bible times, many of John's followers turned to Jesus, the One to whom John pointed.


The ministry is growing and we are expanding, however, this month and last month we have had many financial difficulties and challenges. Would you consider supporting in a special way this month? We want those amazing stories of Jesus' salvation to keep on coming!


Many blessings to you!


Nizar Shaheen


P.s. Please continue to pray for the people of Gaza to see a breakthrough and that the war will cease. May God put mercy in hearts and forgiveness.



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Hamilton ON L9B 0E4

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