August 2024 - Effective Ministry!


August 2024 - Effective Ministry!

Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we are watching the news, I know we are all concerned as the Middle East is boiling and war could be imminent. Pray for the leaders to have mercy, wisdom and peace in their hearts. Pray that the Church of Jesus Christ will be protected and to have a strong witness. Pray for peace and a cessation of war.


Despite all the turmoil, the ministry of Light For All Nations is growing daily and having a great impact on many thousands of people! I am planning this month to go to Israel and Jordan, so pray with me that it will still be possible to travel. Many airlines are cancelling flights. There is an atmosphere of fear, yet in Scripture God has told us so many times, “Do not fear.” I know His children are in His loving hands and so I do not fear.


The month of July was a great month for ministry! Light For All Nations partnered with another ministry to go into Ethiopia. I participated in the training of 600 Christian leaders and pastors on evangelism to Muslims. It was like a Macedonia call I received – “Come over and help us” (Acts 16:9). It was a great time spent with my brothers and sisters in the Lord. Light For All Nations helped to provide the meals for the conference.


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In the training course we encouraged the young people to go into the marketplace to evangelize. We sent out two teams: one of men and another of women. The men returned with much joy telling us that 13 Muslim men accepted the Lord! Likewise, the women returned with joy telling us that 9 women accepted the Lord including two who were delivered!


While we were doing the training we were visited by a young medical team of 30 energized, enthusiastic and committed Christians who came in the evening for prayer as they had planned an outreach into a poor, fanatical Muslim community. We prayed over them and commissioned them in their mission. I was so impressed with them! They were fearless prayer warriors, and they stayed for a long night of prayer. It was amazing to hear one the leaders say, “I know I am going into a dangerous area knowing that I could get stoned, yet I want to go!” I was touched by her words! The Lord answered prayer as they all returned safely and reported to us that 26 Muslims received Christ!


Another highlight was when we went to a Muslim village where there was a Christian school, and we set up in the yard a powerful loudspeaker and a pulpit. I spoke in Arabic and had two translators, one into Amharic and another into the local language. The team spread out to speak to groups of children and to families who had gathered to listen and there were many salvations!


The greatest highlight was the large evangelistic campaign with 10 to 15 thousand people gathered. There was a huge response to accept the Lord. Only God know how many were saved. All those dear 600 hundred brothers and sisters who came to the training course will be following up with the people. We were thrilled to help in the planting of three new churches!


Before coming back home to Canada, I stopped in Switzerland for a conference of Arabic speaking Christian leaders from all over the Middle East to train them in personal evangelism. God is at work in His Church today and it is exciting to see the various ministries being used by God to reach the lost. We were a unified group with the goal of fulfilling the Great commission. It is such an encouragement for me to meet with others who have the same mind and purpose.


Thank you for your support of Light For All Nations! Thank you to all who have given special donations during this difficult time and thank you for praying for me. I am humbled by your love and kindness. Financially, it has been a hard summer and we are still in need should you want to mail in your support (see postal address below) or click on the link below. I am continuing to pray for a miracle of God’s provision.


May the Lord continue to bless you!


Your brother in Christ,

Nizar Shaheen



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