September 2024 - Much Needed Prayer!


September 2024 - Much Needed Prayer!

Greetings to you in the precious and all-powerful Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to start this soon to be somber letter with the great news of God’s blessings through the various media programs we produce and the amazing responses we are seeing through our online social media platforms and through the various satellite channels on which we air our productions.


The responses come from millions of people, but of course, as it is to be expected, many of the responses are nasty attacks and very negative, as these people have not yet come to faith. At least we know they are watching, and we are praying for the Holy Spirit to open their eyes and draw them to the truth. Our aim is to honour the Name of the Lord Jesus and see His Kingdom expanded and that many precious souls will be snatched from darkness into His marvellous Kingdom of Light. We are indeed seeing this miracle of salvation every single day!


I just returned from Israel and Jordan for conferences which were very productive. I do a lot of training to maximize the outreach. Believers need to know how to effectively evangelize. Despite the blessings of the conferences, there was a somber mood. Much of the conversation was about the real possibility of a full-blown war in the region, which saddened everyone, including myself, as it seems so many people have lost hope. Hezbollah has been firing rockets in the north and Israel is responding with bomber jets.


At the conference in the Galilee, we were warned that if we hear the loud sirens, we must all go to the bomb shelters. Every public place and most homes in Israel have bomb shelters. Many of my family members live in the Galilee, and I thank the Lord they are all safe and pray no harm will come to them.


We are extremely saddened by the deaths of many Palestinians, both in the West Bank and in Gaza, and it is heart-breaking to hear the news of the tragic deaths of the six young Israeli hostages in Gaza killed by Hamas. The actions of both sides must grieve the heart of God. He is a God of love, peace and life.


There were huge demonstrations in Israel and the whole region is on edge and in turmoil. If only people followed the way of Christ. In Him is the hope of the nations. In Him is peace and love. Oh, how this is needed! Yet still there is light through the work of the Church on both sides - Palestinians and Messianic Jews - brothers and sisters in the Lord that have hope, peace and reconciliation through Christ. We pray these believers will have a great witness and influence in the land where Jesus came and provided the plan of redemption that has spread to be the light for all nations.


Prayer Requests:
· Pray that the war will end and not escalate.
· Pray the Church will take its rightful place of influence.
· Pray the Lord will open eyes.
· Pray for Light For All Nations as we are involved in ministry to Palestine and Israel that God will open the doors for more ministry, outreach and salvations.


My friend, we are planning our annual fund-raising banquets this Fall. In Mississauga, Ontario on Nov. 2/24 and in Edmonton, Alberta on October 26/24. It would be wonderful to see many of our supporters come. Will you mark your calendars and plan to come if possible? More info will follow.


Please prayerfully consider supporting the ministry at this crucial time. It is my prayer that more people will become regular monthly supporters, even it is a small amount each month, it helps greatly! You can make this arrangement online by clicking the link below. I am so thankful to the people who already give monthly. You are our backbone! May God bless you!


Your brother in Christ,

Nizar Shaheen



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