October 2024 - Happy Thanksgiving Canada!


October 2024 - Happy Thanksgiving Canada!

With a thankful heart I greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I pray that those in Canada will have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration this month! We certainly have much for which we are thankful. I am thankful for my dear family and for you, our dear supporters who give and who hold us up in prayer. I am thankful that God has sustained us to minister for 40 years! We have reached a great milestone!


Please try your best to come to the fund-raising banquet and encourage others to come. It will be a special time as we are celebrating 40 years of ministry! Our annual banquets are the main way we raise funds, for as you know, our media ministry is reaching the unsaved masses, so we do not raise funds on our programs, as our focus is to preach the Gospel. We count on our annual banquets to raise money so we can continue with strength and plan future ministry productions and mission trips. 


I have told you before, but I want to say it again – Light For All Nations is having a great impact on Arabic speaking people all over the world. We had a busy and productive summer and autumn will be the same with much media production and evangelism in various conferences. I always hear great first-hand testimonies whenever I go to conferences and when I do evangelism.


· An Iraqi Muslim woman had demonic attacks, but once she committed her life to Jesus Christ she was freed and said, “I have inexpressible peace. Now I can truly rest and sleep.


· A Syrian lady saw herself in a dream wearing a white dress and in another dream she heard the word, “The Blood.” She came to a meeting and heard about the blood of Jesus that washes away sin, making us white as snow. Both she and her husband accepted Jesus!


· Another person drove two hours to come to one of my meetings as he wanted to tell me in person and share with thanksgiving the news that two Muslim families in his community became followers of Jesus through our TV programs.


· In a recent house meeting I found out that an Egyptian man and his wife became believers but faced great persecution requiring them to flee the area. They told me, “Your programs have been our food and our comfort.


· A Saudi man called to talk to me because he was attracted to how I communicated the Gospel. We had a good conversation, and he was so joyful to find Jesus after a long search.


· On our live program we have a time to take calls and on one program recently a former terrorist called. He was also a person who trained others in how to assassinate. He told me I was a person on the hit-list. He ended up in prison and shared how while he was in prison, God gave him revelations and he came to faith in Christ. He is now truly free and full of zeal. He said, “I was once a terrorist, but am now a preacher!


The Lord is so good! He is blessing us tremendously! You are a blessing to me and I thank God for you daily! Let us remember to pray for those suffering in the USA from the many hurricanes passing through. May God bless you and your families and may you always be thankful!


With thanksgiving,

Nizar Shaheen



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