October 2021 - Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday, October 11, 2021! We certainly have so much for which we are thankful to God! We can trust Him to take care of us during this hard time in the world today. No matter the difficult circumstances, God is still in control. Our freedom is found in Him! All over the world wherever believers have no freedom, or have lost freedom, they can rest assured that through Christ and His truth, they are free!
September 2021 - Amazing Blessings!
Grace and peace to you in the wonderful Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
It is back to school time! Many of us are praying much for our kids and grandkids. May the Lord protect them from harm, danger and evil. They are facing all kinds of challenges; challenges that we never had to face. Let us trust God for His promises: “… ‘My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants’ descendants,’ says the Lord, ‘from this time and forevermore.’ “ (Isaiah 59:21). Keep on speaking the truth to our children and children’s children and we can trust God for their salvation.
August 2021 - Holy Land Trip
Greetings in the wonderful Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
I recently returned from my trip to my homeland of Israel. It was an amazing and very productive trip! It had been almost two years since I last went and it was so good to see things getting closer to normal. I had numerous meetings, and prayed with many people for salvation, for healing and for many needs.
July 2021 - Blessings from the Holy Land!
Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! As we are in troubled times all over the world, my mind has been thinking much about how life is short and life is precious. Every soul is important and we must redeem the time – make use of our time to win lost souls.
June 2021 - Sustained! Blessed! Hopeful!
Greetings to you in the wonderful Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Praise the Lord! It seems the opening of more and more things are happening and are on the horizon. We have all been affected by the pandemic. It has hurt many people in many ways – loss of lives, loss of income and loss of hope, but despite it all, the Lord has proved faithful and He has been with us. He has greatly blessed the ministry of Light For All Nation! He has sustained us and given us new and creative ways to reach the lost! We testify that God’s Word is powerful and has a great impact!
May 2021 - Pray for Peace in the Holy Land!
It is with a heavy heart that I write you today. As you have heard from the news the situation in Israel, Palestine and Gaza is very dire. As the body of Christ, it is our duty and responsibility to pray; and to especially lift up our fellow Christians. We have family on both sides of the conflict. Let us pray for the hatred to stop and for divine healing in their hearts. Even in my own home town of Cana of Galilee there have been uprisings and I pray for the safety of my family, my church family and my neighbours there.
May 2021 - I Declare... I am a follower of Jesus!
Greetings to you in the wonderful Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.